Easy To Use Dashboard

Real Time Analytics

94% Open Rate

Delivered VIA Text Message

Institutions. schools, employers and municipalities can use MegaPhone to quickly and easily update their members, students, employees and constituents.


Businesses, brands, influencers, organizations and campaigns looking to utilize innovative and effective mobile marketing tools to drive engagement and conversions.

VOICEpic messaging

A unique voice-message broadcasting promotion tool for publishers to send personalized, 30-second voice messages, directly to the phones of Subscribers. .Publishers call the  MegaPhone number and record a voicepic . A text alert is sent out to their subscribers phones that when tapped, opens a customized screen and streams the voicepic.


There is no app required, no login, and no username or password needed to publish your voicepic. Just call, enter a pin and talk. Your voicepic message is distributed to all your subscribers, whether it’s 1 or 1 million.


As subscribers have signed up to receive messages from their brands and businesses they follow, the call-to-action button on the voicepic display screen is a compelling tool to direct customers to act on what they have just heard and viewed. Call to action buttons like “BUY NOW” or “SUBSCRIBE” leads to pre-qualified customers who are ready to buy.


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