Voice Based Rich Media Mobile Messaging

How They WorkSign Up Now!

Purposely architected to operate without requiring the use of an app, the MegaPhone platform offers an omnichannel suite of services that operate through Voice, SMS and Chatbot.

MegaPhone AI VoicePics are marketing or critical information messages that are broadcast over a mobile display screen and delivered by SMS texts. 

Sending VoicePics is a simple process – either by using the online dashboard or by making a call to the MegaPhone number. The display screens can also be created easily and are completely customizable with simple, one click edits that allow publishers to add background pictures, change logos and add outbound links to social media or websites. Publishers just call the MegaPhone number, enter their pin, record a message and then hang up. The alert is automatically sent to all of their subscriber’s phones and broadcast over a mobile display screen.

MegaPhone AI VoicePics are the first of several “App Free” products slated for release throughout 2021.

MegaPhone AI, Inc. is an Illinois Corporation founded in 2021.



Publishing Example: Publishing a Voicepic to subscriber Jane Doe.

1) Log on

Log on and enter your account number and pin to access your dashboard. A preview screen will display that will show you your VoicePic as you build it.

2) Add Logo

Upload your logo. Your logo brand, name or message will sit at the top of the VoicePic screen.

3) Edit Button

Edit your call-to-action. Change the color of the button, the button text and the link to the conversion opportunity. It can be an eCommerce store, campaign sign up, marketing website or subscription offering, etc.

4) Upload Background

Upload your full-width mobile portrait style background. You can also upload a suitably sized GIF file to animate the background.

5) Call MegaPhone

Call MegaPhone, enter your pin and post your VoicePic update. You can use the Test Drive option to view and hear a demo of your VoicePic. You can share that, or publish to your subscribers.


 WHO:VoicePics are a unique voice-messaging tools that lets publishers broadcast personalized, 30-second rich media voice messages, directly to the phones of their subscribers.

YOU: This powerful broadcast channel can be used for utility and/or marketing publishers. Publishers are businesses, brands, influencers, and institutions or any group or organization with subscribers.  If you are any of these, this is for YOU.

THEM: Subscribers are the publishers customers, followers, employees, and supporters.

HOW: When a publisher posts a VoicePic update from their phone (or sends from their dashboard), an alert is sent notifying all of their subscribers. The subscriber taps the text alert and a branded screen streams to the subscriber’s phone.

ENGAGE: There is a call-to-action button in every VoicePic display screen that links to the publishers online conversion opportunities like eCommerce sites, online bookings, subscriptions, or donations.

EASY: This an ‘APP-LESS” solution. There is no app needed for publishers to engage with subscribers. VoicePic alerts are delivered directly to the subscriber’s phones via simple text messages.


Delivered VIA Text Message

Real Time Analytics

94% Open Rate

preview before you publish


Secure, Encrypted Publisher Dashboard

Rich Media Elements, Voice, Images, Graphics & Call-to-Action


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