To start building out your MPM, use the mockup simulator to show the different elements of the MPM that your subscribers will see when you publish an update.


Add your logo. Its recommended you use images sized 200 x 200 pixels with a transparent background.


Select your pre built button. You can choose from pre set buttons and then change the colors and button titles. No links are added here as this is the simulator not the builder.


Add your background. Select a portrait based image not a horizontal one. It also helos to compress your image to make it load quicker on mobile devices. To compress your image go here, compress you image and then use that image in the builder. 


You can change the button color to accent your background image or to blend it in. 


You can change out your background until you get just the right display. 


Keep designing until you have it right. When you’re ready, go to the BUILDER  


No select the elements you have in your builder and upload them directly to your MPM channel.  You will need your PIN number to change your elements. You will also need the REGISTERED PHONE NUMBER that you use to publish updates to your MPM channel.    


When you’re finished, call your Megaphone number (or upload your media file), enter your PIN and publish your update. You can use TEST DRIVE (requires a DEMO PIN) to get a demo of how the message will look and sound. If it looks good, Call back and PUBLISh to your subscribers or just share the link that was automatically generated by the DEMO.

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